Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.
The food trucks are coming, the food trucks are coming!! That's been the latest buzz on twitter for the past 3 days. Food Network has finally agree to bring the food trucks from "The Great Food Truck Race" to Atlanta.
The second season of Food Network's the Great Food Truck Race is hitting the road, with chef Tyler Florence returning as host. While you’ll have to wait until Sunday, August 14 to watch the first episode, you can meet the crew from the Hodge Podge Truck this Saturday from 12-9 PM at the Atlantic Station.
Gourmet food trucks are changing the way Americans think about street food.
Cleveland food chef Chris Hodgson, piloting his second food truck the "Hodge Podge Truck" is competing for the tittle of the best food truck in the nation.
Chris Hodgson has always had a love for food. Since he was a young boy experimenting in the kitchen ruining all his mother's pots and pans he has always had an imagination for food.
Instead of watching what normal kids his age watched he fell in love with Iron Chef and would spend late nights up taking notes and watching the talent of the Chefs he admired on TV. For his 15 birthday present he received private lessons from a family friend who was a chef.
Chris began his culinary adventures at Lopez Bar and Grill studying under Eric Williams, owner and chef of Momochos and happy dog. From there he continued to pursue his culinary passion until he left for college. Never the studying type, the only thing Chris ever did to relax was cook. His father suggested he attend culinary school and he did just that. Graduating from Scottsdale Le cordon blue he took a job working for James Beard winner Christopher Gross.
He spent three years off and on with Christopher while traveling and doing short stints at award winning restaurants in Cleveland, California and Boston.
After opening Christopher's and Crush in Phoenix, Arizona he decided to pursue more knowledge and moved to New York City, where he began working for April Bloomfield at Micheline Star restaurant The Spotted Pig. Working at the Spotted Pig was the most important and exciting point in his life. After getting off work at 3:30 AM he and fellow chefs would hit up the taco truck for late night dining. He fell in love with food trucks and decided it would be the easiest way to serve his cuisine to all who desired it at a price all could afford.

After opening a second food truck, the Hodge Podge Truck Chris goals besides winning the great food truck race is to be the first street vendor in Cleveland, Ohio. Not only do he wants to provide healthy gourmet food, but he wants to incorporate all local sources.
Regional comfort foods with an Asian flair is their specialty!
(Fried Avocados Tacos!!)
So if you are a fan of #TheHodgePodgeTruck (@HodgePodgeTruck) and have friends in #Atlanta, please ask them to go to Atlantic Station this Saturday and try their food. Generous tips appreciated!
If you can't catch them on Saturday you can always meet the crew this Sunday around Virginia Highlands.
Follow the hashtag #TheGreatFoodTruckRace on twitter and keep up will all the action and updates from the trucks. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!
I cant wait to check it out!
ReplyDeleteHodge is one of the 3 trucks in the Race. The Lime Truck will be at Colony Square at 14th & Peachtree on Saturday for lunch, and on Sunday they'll be at Atlantic Station in front of the movie theater. You can find pics of both Lime and Hodge at lookingforfoodtrucks.com.
ReplyDeleteHave a great Memorial weekend!
I've not tuned into the show but once and really enjoyed it. Not even sure I saw Hodge on the epi I saw. And now I'm bummed I didn't make it out this past weekend to join in. Ugh. Great, great stuff I heard. Glad you to got to be all in the mix!!