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Explore Georgia: Tybee Island Tips No One Tells You About

Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge  in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center  turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.

What's Happy this Week (5-23-2011)

1. Pinrest New IPhone App: Pin all the things that make you happy with the new Pinrest IPhone app. Pinterest is a place to catalog the things you love. Request and invite and start pinning. 

2. Pursuit of happiness is OK but too much can backfire:

According to June Gruber of Yale University, who has co-authored the research along with Iris Mauss of the University of Denver and Maya Tamir of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, being happy is good but pursuing happiness too much can backfire.
Is not that the tools often suggested for making yourself happy aren’t necessarily bad for you — like taking time every day to think about things you are happy about or grateful for, or setting up situations that are likely to make you happy.

Is just that you need to understand that after watching a happy film, or reading an article that praises happiness you can end up feeling much worse than when you started, mainly because you might not feel any happier after finishing your reading or watching a movie.

In essence,the best way to increase your happiness is to stop worrying about being happy and instead divert your energy to nurturing the social bonds you have with other people.

 3. Goldfrapp - Happiness Video: Okay this not exactly new but is something that I recently discovered and I loved it so much that I decided to share it with you. 

4. Also happy this week is this anonymous confession about happiness.

5. Recruiting participants for online happiness study

Project HOPE, based at York University, is seeking participants to test online self-help activities designed to boost mood and improve well-being. All adults 18 and older from all over the world are welcome to participate. You will be entered into three $600 cash draws at the completion of the study.

Sign up at

Dr. Myriam Mongrain, Psychologist and Professor (York University)

You can find out more at:


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