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Explore Georgia: Tybee Island Tips No One Tells You About

Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge  in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center  turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.

Scoop on Poop Dished Out by New Exhibition at the Fernbank Museum


Poop is really fascinating stuff. Some people are not aware that poop can be used to build homes. You can also use it as firewood, or toss it around as a sport. Some wild animals eat it, others use it to send messages, while some squirt it over themselves to cool off. As part of evolution trees started growing fruits in order to trick animals into eating seeds which they spread around in their droppings. Poop had a very important role during World War II. It was used to hide explosives knowing that German tank drivers thought it was good luck to drive over them. 

The Scoop on Poop at the Fernbank Museum is a interactive, Science-Based Fun Delivers the #1 Exhibit about #2! Is a must see for the entire family. It's on view from May 26 through September 3, 2012.

The Scoop on Poop, is a hands-on, humorous approach to learning the science of studying animals based on the clues they leave behind. There's tons of ewww and lot's of giggles from the little ones  as you go through the exhibit.

The exhibition sprung from the pages of the popular The Scoop on Poop children’s book by Dr. Wayne Lynch as a tactful blend of good science and fun. Featuring three live animal displays that include hissing cockroaches, live mice and a box turtle, the interactive exhibition uses a sense of humor to investigate a subject people often find difficult to talk about with a straight face.

The Scoop on Poop features large colorful graphic panels, three-dimensional models, and fun interactive components. Visitors are invited to listen in on an animal’s digestive system, learn the language of poop in countries around the world, examine fecal samples in a veterinarian’s lab, compete in dung beetle races, track wild animals by clues left in scat, see how long it takes an elephant to poop its body weight, improve their “#2 IQ” in stool school, and “meet” a dinosaur dung detective. 

Purchase Tickets 
The Scoop on Poop is included with Museum admission, which is $17.50 for adults, $16.50 for students/seniors, $15.50 for children ages 3-12, and free for children ages 2 and younger. The exhibition is free for Museum members. Special discounts are also available to schools and other groups of 10 or more.

Scoop on Poop
Exhibition Highlights
1.      Poop Has Many Names - Visitors are invited to select locations on world map to learn the language of poop in countries around the world.
2.      A New Alternative - This 3-D model of a modern sewage digester comes to life with pumps and aerators to show an environmentally responsible way to deal with human waste.
3.      Outhouse - This old-fashioned replica of an outhouse gives visitors a chance for an unusual photo opportunity.
4.      Worth Your Weight In... African elephants are the biggest poopers of all land animals. Step on the scale to see how many hours (or minutes!) it takes an elephant to poop your body weight.
5.      Fecal Framework - This full-size, touchable replica of an African termite mound lets visitors explore how termites glue their houses together with their own dung.
6.      Muck Spreading - Activate a video recording of a bull hippopotamus broadcasting dung with his tail.


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