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Explore Georgia: Tybee Island Tips No One Tells You About

Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge  in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center  turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.

Breakfast with Santa at Chick-a-Biddy December 8


Save the date – Chick-a-Biddy is hosting a private Breakfast with Santa event on Sunday, December 8. Bring your little ones for a delicious breakfast that includes your choice of a breakfast item and a meet-and-greet with Santa along with a souvenir photo printed on-site for you to take home for only $25 per person. Breakfast items includes: 
  • Ham and Cheese Quiche, Fruit
  • Chicken Cheddar Biscuit, Home Fries 
  • Challah French Toast, Honey Butter, Steen’s Cane Syrup, Bacon
Chick-a-Biddy is the latest concept from Chef Shaun Doty and offers a variety of farm-fresh items including gluten-free fried chicken. If you’re able to attend, you can purchase your tickets in advance through


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