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Explore Georgia: Tybee Island Tips No One Tells You About

Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge  in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center  turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.

Breakfast Recipes We Love! Strawberry-Banana Milk Based Smoothie For A Healthy New You #GotMilkGotProtein

I'm a spokesperson on behalf the Protein Fight Club Milk Mustache Campaign. I have been compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Start your mornings with a refreshing protein packed milk-based smoothie. This sweet delicious smoothie is packed with protein from the milk and peanuts, potassium from the bananas, and a big dose of vitamins and antioxidants from the strawberries.

As a Milk Mustache Campaign spokesperson, I've been learning how to improve my eating habits, especially at breakfast. One thing I have learned from my partnered dietician Carolyn O'Neil is to pump up my mornings by incorporating 8oz of milk on my breakfast routine. Despite the known benefits of a good breakfast, Americans continue to skip this important meal. With 8 grams of protein in each 8-ounce glass (even more than in an egg!), milk is a nutrient-rich breakfast staple.

Please keep following our Milk Mustache Campaign blog posts. We'll be featuring some of Carolyn's new breakfast recipes from her brand new book “Southern Living Slim Down South Cookbook: Eating well and living healthy in the land of biscuits and bacon”. She has lot's of killer recipes to help you keep those new years resolutions. Until then feel free to try out this smoothie that is oh so yummy and is made with skim milk!

Strawberry-Banana Milk Based “Skinny” Smoothie

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 2-3 servings

  • 2 cups frozen banana slices (approximately 2 medium bananas)
  • 1 cup fresh (or frozen) strawberry
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1-1/2 cups skim milk
  • 2 Tsp chunky peanut butter
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 1 Tsp vanilla
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon

  1. Place frozen banana slices, strawberries and ice in the bottom of a blender.
  2. Pour fat free milk over fruit.
  3. Add remaining ingredients. Puree until smooth.
  4. Garnish with a strawberry, if desired, and serve immediately.


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