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Explore Georgia: Tybee Island Tips No One Tells You About

Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge  in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center  turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.

B.A.D. Obstacle Challenge™ Returns to Stone Mountain Park Benefits Autism Speaks

THE B.A.D. Obstacle Challenge™, one of the world’s leading producers of Obstacle Course Challenges & Adventure Races and whose events benefit Autism Speaks, is kicking off its 2014 series when it returns to the Atlanta market on March 15, 2014. 

This year’s race will be held on March 15 and feature over 30 unique, challenging, fun and badass obstacles sprawled across a 7K (4.4 mile) course set within the confines of Stone Mountain Park.

Brian Sharenow, Race Director for the B.A.D. Obstacle Challenge™ series states, “We are very excited to return to Stone Mountain Park for our first race of the year and even more excited for the racers to experience not only a newly designed, badass course with double the obstacles that they conquered last year but also all of the new elements we have added to this race that will surely separate us from the other OCR races that take place in Georgia”
Sharenow points out, “Being that the focus of our events is to raise awareness and funds for those affected by Autism, we are looking forward to seeing first-hand what the expansion of our courses and obstacles, coupled with the exciting new addition of our K9 Division, can do in terms of growing our support for this great cause. 
So while we are always working towards our end goal of providing individuals on the Autism Spectrum with their finish line, we are looking forward to providing all of our competitors the opportunity to further develop a fun and interactive relationship with family, friends, co-workers and now also pets, through competition.”

Each BADASS Dash competitor has the opportunity to compete individually or as a team and register for one of 4 Divisions:

  • The ELITE division, as the name clearly depicts, is geared toward individuals who are well trained (i.e. police, firefighters, armed forces, competitive athletes) and are looking to “get after it” while having the race of a lifetime. This division showcases those who can traverse through the obstacles while navigating the terrain the fastest with opportunities to win big prizes and even bigger bragging rights.
  • The RECREATION division, which can be anyone from an avid racer to a weekend warrior to someone looking for a new personal challenge, is geared toward those who are not specifically trained in Obstacle Course Challenges or Adventure Races but want to set a goal on the finish line and then achieve it.
  • The K9 COMPANION division is the first of its kind in the OCR genre where participants can bring their canines to take part in a race specifically designed / modified for them to compete as a team. Each team will be comprised of one male or female runner that is a minimum of 14 years of age and a canine that is a minimum of 1 year old – no matter what size, shape or breed. A maximum lead of 4 feet will be required for all teams competing and they will follow the same course as the Recreation division with a select number of obstacles designed specifically for each team to conquer together.
  • The KIDS DASH division for children 4 – 13 years of age. The Kids Dash for 4 – 6 years old will feature a 200-yard dash with obstacles just their size while the 7 – 13 years old get to race on a 1-mile course with a mixture of adult and kids obstacles.
Those not racing are encouraged to travel the course alongside the racers and cheer them on as they move from obstacle to obstacle as well as joining in the festivities of the BONFIRE BASH which will host racers, canines, vendors and spectators in a festival atmosphere with the inclusion of live entertainment, a beer garden, food & beverages, expo area, awards ceremonies, contests and prize giveaways.

So whether you are searching for a personal challenge, pride yourself in being a weekend warrior or are an avid racer seeking full-blown adrenaline rush, go to to register for the most Badass Obstacle Course Challenge and Adventure Run this side of insanity. 

To find out more information on the entire race series, check us out on Facebook at


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