Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.
hard to believe that with all the technological advances in our
world, girls are continuously dissipated to stay away from STEM
careers. According to the National
Science Foundation:
66 percent of 4th grade girls say they like science and math, but
only 18 percent of all college engineering majors are female.

The Iron Yard Academy is passionate about lowering the barrier for women who want to pursue a career in programming and is currently offering two $1500 scholarships per semester. The Iron Yard Academy "Women in Tech Scholarship" offers a new possibility to women who want to take their intensive engineering courses.
many occasions, the mothers, older sisters, and aunts of our students
have expressed that they wish programs like ours had existed years
ago. Many women we’ve spoken to were directly
discouraged from
STEM when they were younger, being told, “engineering is for men.”
tech a more welcoming environment for everyone is
a cause we support wholeheartedly, and we’re working to make that
vision reality."
In addition, they academy is launching a new push to engage boys
and girls into coding. The academy is offering
free Scratch (level 1 and 2) coding classes for kids, a special coding fundamental class just
for girls (8-12) and a basic HTML and CSS class for teens. The HTML and CSS class is intended for
teens 13 – 18, and parents are required to make sure their kids are
able to attend all sessions, complete any homework for each week, and
stay for the entire duration of class (2 hours) before signing up.
The course is 3 short weeks, two hours/day per week, so attendance
and participation are essential. No experience is required, but they
do require that you bring a laptop that can connect to the Internet.
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