Ever wonder how can you maximize your visit to Tybee Island? We have gathered the best insider tips so you can plan a dream trip to one of the most unique places you'll ever visit. BEST PLACE TO LAY DOWN YOUR TOWEL Park near the Tybee Beach Beach and Pavilion ( Tybrisa St, Tybee Island, GA 31328) use the bridge in front of the Tybee Island Marine Center turn right and walk towards the rock formation close to the sand dunes. This portion of the beach has a smoother sand, lots of shallow areas that are perfect for little kids to bathe safely, is less crowded, and because it's close to the sand dunes you will see a large variety of seaside birds.

Lunch is
more than just a break in the day; it’s truly a refueling
opportunity for your kids. This is why it’s important that they
have a balanced meal with foods that are designed to keep them
feeling full for the longest amount of time. A
powerlunch should
include a protein and carbohydrates. Note: Protein (ex: lean meats,
cheese, hummus, etc.) takes twice as long to digest, which means kids
stay fuller longer. Kids who don’t eat a protein at lunch are
the ones who are typically hungry and dissatisfied before the end of
the day. Carbohydrates (ex: 100% whole grain bread, wraps,
crackers, pasta, fruit) fuel your kid’s brains and give them

Healthcare of Atlanta’s Strong4Life Registered
Dietitian provided the following sample meals (that are
fulfilling, easy to make and inexpensive and easy to make)
1. Gobble
Me Up: A turkey sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread, paired
with fruit and veggies will keep them going strong through
the afternoon. (100% whole grain is high in fiber; this will
also help to keep hunger at bay.)
Sample Lunch:
Turkey sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread, fresh apple, baby
carrots and 1% plain low-fat milk or water
Sample Lunch:
Pasta salad made with 100% whole wheat pasta and fresh veggies (like
bell peppers, tomatoes or broccoli), hard-boiled egg, fruit cup
packed in 100% juice and 1% plain low-fat milk or water

3. Veg
Out: Kids love to dip their food, so why not pack some
veggies and humus for lunch?
Add our healthy sides and they’re good to go!
Sample Lunch:
Fresh veggies (like cucumber, carrots or bell peppers) with
hummus, whole grain crackers or rice cakes, grapes and low-fat milk
or water

4. That’s
a Wrap: Switch up your sandwich by using a 100% whole-wheat
wrap, rolled around the wholesome foods they love.
Sample Lunch:
Leftover baked chicken and veggies (like lettuce and tomato)
wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla, banana, low-fat yogurt and

5. Sandwich
Switcheroo: Instead of a turkey or chicken sandwich,
surprise your kiddo with a whole-wheat nutter butter or tuna salad
sandwich (just go easy on the mayo).
Sample Lunch:
Nut butter (peanut, almond, sunflower) or tuna salad sandwich on
100% whole wheat bread, dressing, unsweetened applesauce, low fat
string cheese and water
with your school about their nut allergy policy
Click here for
more back to school tips Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
to school means classroom parties, fundraisers and after-school
events. And with those celebrations come pizza, chips, cupcakes and
cookies—not a smart (or healthy) way to party!
you as parents can turn school and extracurricular celebrations
into opportunities for fun and healthy eating. Check
Party Planning Tips for throwing A+ parties.
celebrations teach kids a valuable lesson about positive lifestyle
· Ditch
the sugary drinks. Encourage
water, not
soda, sports drinks or juice.
· Limit
sweet treats. Serve plenty of colorful fruit and veggies instead.
· Take
the focus off food by planning more activities.
· Create
a scavenger hunt, do arts and crafts, have a dance party or enjoy
extra playground time.
· Check
out your school’s wellness policy for more ideas—and add your
Photo credit: Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
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